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New England REZ network infrastructure project

New England REZ network infrastructure project

EnergyCo is leading the development of new transmission lines, energy hubs and enabling infrastructure in the New England REZ. This is known as the New England REZ network infrastructure project and reflects EnergyCo’s dual role as proponent of the transmission lines and energy hubs, and coordinator of enabling infrastructure for the REZ. 

About the network infrastructure project

The New England Renewable Energy Zone (REZ) will be serviced by new transmission network infrastructure, including transmission lines and energy hubs, and enabling infrastructure which will transfer power generated by solar and wind farms to electricity consumers. This infrastructure will be critical for the successful operation of the REZ. EnergyCo is leading the development of the REZ transmission network infrastructure as the Infrastructure Planner for the REZs in NSW.

Some of this infrastructure will need to be built outside the New England REZ geographical area to connect the REZ to the main backbone transmission network. EnergyCo is in the early stages of assessing what new network infrastructure should be built to unlock and service the New England REZ.

Revised study corridor

EnergyCo has been consulting with communities and landowners on a study corridor for the New England REZ network infrastructure project since June 2023. 

This feedback, along with information gathered from field investigations, has resulted in a range of changes to the preliminary study corridor. These changes can be viewed in the March 2024 project update and on the interactive map.

The revised study corridor for the network infrastructure project minimises overall impacts on local landowners and the environment and increases the use of state-owned land. 

Next steps

The New England REZ network infrastructure project has been declared a critical state significant infrastructure (CSSI) project by the NSW Minister for Planning and Public Spaces as it considered ‘essential for the State for economic, environmental or social reasons’.

Under the NSW Environment Planning and Assessment ACT 1979, CSSI applications must be approved by the NSW Minister for Planning and Public Spaces following a comprehensive assessment process. The includes extensive community consultation and the preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).

EnergyCo is committed to long-term ongoing engagement with the community as we develop the New England REZ. 

We will continue to carry out community consultation and technical studies to refine the network infrastructure project and identify a preferred study corridor. This preferred study corridor will be included in the Scoping Report to be lodged with the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (DPHI) in the coming months. 

The Scoping Report will identify a preferred 1-kilometre wide study corridor for the transmission lines, which will form the basis for detailed environmental and technical studies to be carried out as part of the Environmental Impact Statement. We will keep you informed once the Scoping Report and preferred study corridor are available.

As part of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) process, there will be further opportunities for community and stakeholder feedback to reduce impacts and maximise benefits for host landowners and the broader community. 

Armidale landscape.

EnergyCo is working closely with the community as we plan and deliver the New England Renewable Energy Zone.

Transmission lines with sheep in paddock.

Explore fact sheets and relevant project documents.

Solar farm in Avalind

EnergyCo is working with the developers who plan to connect to the REZ network infrastructure project.

Sheep in paddock with transmission tower.

Still have questions? Read more here.

Contact us

If you have any questions about the New England REZ or would like to provide feedback, please contact us at any time:

Email: [email protected]

Tel: 1800 061 114 (9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday)