Renewable energy generation projects
The New England Renewable Energy Zone (REZ) will bring renewable energy generation projects (such as wind and solar) together with energy storage (such as batteries) and connect them to the electricity network.
EnergyCo is working with the developers of proposed major generation projects who plan to connect to the REZ network infrastructure project.
Invitation for new generator design partners
EnergyCo is inviting further generation and storage developers with an interest in connecting to the New England REZ network infrastructure to contact us. EnergyCo is continuing to engage with generation and storage developers throughout the design and development phases of the REZ.
Which projects are eligible?
Projects must have a minimum generation threshold of 250 megawatt alternating current (MWac) capacity or a storage equivalent to the 250-megawatt hour minimum threshold to be eligible. Generation and storage projects must also be located within the declared New England REZ geographic boundary. Information on the New England REZ, including the study corridor for the network infrastructure, can be found on EnergyCo’s Interactive Map.
EnergyCo’s generator and storage engagement process is independent from the Consumer Trustee’s competitive tender to allocate access rights and Long-Term Energy Service Agreements (LTESAs). It does not form part of the Consumer Trustee’s assessment criteria. EnergyCo notes that participating in the generator engagement process does not pre-empt outcomes of either the separate Consumer Trustee and NSW Planning System processes.
Landowners and members of the community are encouraged to refer to the NSW Government’s Planning Portal for specific project information regarding a project’s progress.
Developers of large-scale renewable energy projects are required to submit applications under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 to obtain development consent for the construction and operation of their projects.
Details on the development application pathways for State significant projects can be found on the Department of Planning and Environment’s website.
Generators seeking to connect to the proposed New England REZ network infrastructure project will also be required to participate in the Consumer Trustee’s competitive tender process and obtain access rights before they are able to connect to the new REZ transmission network.
EnergyCo conducted an Expression of Interest (EOI) process in Q4 2022 to identify major renewable energy generators that are likely to be positioned to deliver energy generation in line with EnergyCo’s targets for first power from the New England REZ.
This approach enables EnergyCo to work with a cohort of developers from the renewables industry to ensure the REZ is fit for purpose and allows us to collaborate on the delivery of community benefits, management of cumulative impacts and ensure the NE REZ leaves a lasting positive legacy for the region.