Access free and confidential support
All community members in the Central-West Orana REZ geographical boundary can now access free and confidential support through the Property Acquisition Support Line. The support line scope has been expanded to support anyone living in the Central-West Orana REZ.
Community members don't need to be impacted by property acquisition to access this service.
The support line is available 24 hours per day and seven days a week on 1300 089 551.
To help you access the service quickly, please say you are calling about EnergyCo's project in the Central-West Orana.
About the transmission project
The Central-West Orana Renewable Energy Zone (REZ) will be serviced by new transmission network infrastructure, including transmission lines and energy hubs, which will transfer power generated by solar and wind farms to electricity consumers. This infrastructure will be critical for the successful operation of the REZ. EnergyCo is leading the development of the REZ transmission network infrastructure as the Infrastructure Planner for the REZs in NSW.
EnergyCo is responsible for developing and overseeing the planning and approval processes for the REZ network infrastructure. After a competitive tender process, EnergyCo entered into a commitment deed with a consortium comprised of ACCIONA, COBRA and Endeavour Energy (ACEREZ) as preferred network operator for the REZ. ACEREZ has signed on to seek approval to design, build, finance, operate and maintain the REZ transmission network.
To support the delivery of the transmission network infrastructure and the REZ as a whole, we are working closely with the developers of renewable energy projects to plan their connections into the network. We are also working with generators and other key stakeholders to develop strategies to manage cumulative impacts within the REZ and deliver community benefit initiatives.
Planning approvals
The Central-West Orana REZ transmission project has reached a significant milestone, securing State planning approval in June 2024 and Commonwealth planning approval in August 2024. This marks the first time a REZ in Australia has achieved this critical step under the NSW Electricity Infrastructure Roadmap. The project will deliver at least 4.5 gigawatts (GW) of transmitted electricity.
Planning approval follows detailed technical planning and extensive community consultation. The Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) was exhibited from late September until early November 2023 and included measures to avoid, minimise or mitigate potential environmental and community impacts. Community feedback informed a number of key changes to the project, which are described and assessed in an Amendment Report.
The project has been declared a Critical State Significant Infrastructure (CSSI) project by the Minister for Planning. Under the NSW Environment Planning and Assessment Act 1979, all CSSI applications are required to go through a comprehensive environmental assessment process.
EnergyCo and the preferred network operator for the project, ACEREZ, requested administrative modifications to the approval conditions issued by the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure for the Central-West Orana Transmission Project (SSI 48323210). These administrative modifications were approved on 18 October 2024.
These administrative modifications will improve clarity and make compliance obligations clearer to ensure the project proceeds efficiently and without delay. They have not in any way reduced our obligations to safety, heritage, biodiversity or managing the impacts such as noise under the project, nor do they change the size or footprint of the project.
View the planning documents here
Next steps
EnergyCo will continue working with the community, impacted landowners, government agencies and other stakeholders to keep people informed of project progress.
We will now award the final contract with the network operator and achieve financial close, scheduled for the second half of 2024. Construction works are expected from late 2024, with initial operation anticipated in 2028.
Working with industry
New work packages for constructing transmission lines in the Central-West Orana REZ were made available in July 2024 with more planned over the next year for tender opportunities across various categories.
Industry briefings were held between 29 July and 6 August and opened to local and Aboriginal businesses looking for opportunities to participate in the energy transition. These forums were an opportunity for businesses to learn about upcoming tender opportunities, scope of works, training, business support and resources.
EnergyCo delivered these forums in partnership with preferred network operator, ACEREZ, a consortium of ACCIONA, COBRA and Endeavour Energy. Close to 300 people attended the 11 forums that were delivered across six locations in the Central-West Orana region including Wellington, Dubbo, Mudgee, Coolah, Cassilis and Dunedoo.

Contact us
If you have any questions about the Central-West Orana REZ or would like to provide feedback, please contact us at any time:
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 1800 032 101 (9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday)