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South West REZ access rights tender update

27 May 2024
Consultation updatesRegulation and policy updates

The tender for South West Renewable Energy Zone (REZ) access rights is now open for registration with project bid information on the AEMO Services website. This follows the declaration of the South West REZ Access Scheme on 12 April 2024. The South West REZ access scheme will deliver benefits to consumers, host communities and investors. 

  • Visit the AEMO Services website to register. Generation and storage projects that wish to connect to network infrastructure subject to the South West REZ Access Scheme will need to apply for an access right through the competitive tender run by AEMO Services. 

The tender will seek up to an initial 3.98 gigawatts of access rights for the South West REZ, providing successful applicants with investment certainty and stronger protection against congestion. AEMO Services Tender Round 5 will also seek an indicative 1 GW of Long Duration Storage for projects connecting into existing network infrastructure or access rights networks in declared access schemes. A Capacity Investment Scheme Agreement tender will replace generation Long-Term Energy Service Agreements (LTESAs) for generation projects. 

EnergyCo will continue to work closely with AEMO Services, the NSW Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water and Transgrid to support the tender process. 

For more information, visit the AEMO Services website.